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Deployed Husband, Again!

Aug 12, 2019

So, remember back to this post when I talked about how Scott was gone for over six months on a military deployment to Kuwait? What if I told you he left again, a month after he got back from the first one?

The Job Offer

Some decisions are so hard to make. They impact your life in a huge way. They change your world. They make you think: life has never turned out the way I thought it would so why did I think it would now?

Oh, I think I’ve lost you on my little reverie. Let’s backtrack to so many months ago when Scott said to me one day when we were Skyping, “I kind of got offered a job.”

I was slightly excited to hear those words, but also very curious how he was getting a job offer in the desert so far from home.

Rewind—Let’s Remember a Year Ago

Last year, around April or May I think, Scott quit his job to focus on this new video game trailer company. It was fine and good. I had a job that paid very well, so we were secure. And we hoped that if Scott was able to focus on his new business, he could get it moving and start making some good money.

And then, a couple months later, my big anxiety breakdown happened, and Scott and I had to rethink our lives. I quit my job and Scott decided to shut down the business. It seems pretty crazy in hindsight. Well, it seemed super crazy at the time. But we talked and prayed a lot and after a lot of talking and praying, we felt we were making the right decision.

So, when Scott left on his deployment a few months later, we knew he’d have to find a job when he got back.

Back to the Job Offer

So, Scott is in Kuwait, doing his military thing, and, being the Scott that he is, he made friends with the contractors. One of those contractors happened to work for a company that was looking to hire someone. He and Scott got to talking, which led to the guy telling Scott he should go for the job.

At first, I said no. The job is in Afghanistan, where it’s dangerous, where he’d be for a year, without me. No.

And Scott agreed. If we were not both on the same page, we shouldn’t do it.

But I noticed Scott became a little mellow, like the job was still on his mind, and it was prickling the back of the brain all the time. He told me it was, that he was disappointed about it, but that he would get over it in time.

And then I started thinking about it more. The idea wouldn’t go away.

Asking the Lord

Finally, even though I really didn’t want Scott to take the job and be away from me for even longer, I said, “I think we should really take this to the Lord and really pray, and fast, and stuff,” ‘cause that’s how I talk, “and I need to really open my heart to whatever answer we receive.”

Scott agreed.

So, we took it to the Lord.

I prayed. I told God how much I didn’t want this but that I knew it would offer a lot to our family—good pay, ability to save for adoption, Scott’s career growth…

And I fasted. And I attended the temple.

And one day, I said to myself, “I think we need to do this.” And I felt peace.

I can’t deny peace. It was calm, comfort, assurance.

I told Scott.

He said he felt the same way.

So, Scott really tried for the job. He had the interviews. He talked to the right people. He got the recommendations. And then he got the official job offer.

So, What Now?

Well, Scott came home from Kuwait mid-May. It was an amazing reunion.

We had a little vacation in California where we hung out at the San Diego Zoo, Santa Monica Beach, and Disneyland, and had a Thai massage, ate delicious steak, and played ball in the hotel pool.


We then moved back to Utah in a little two-bedroom apartment. Scott and I enjoyed two more weeks together before he flew off to the desert again. And that’s where he is now. And he’s safe. I pray for him ALL the time!

And we’ve continued our tradition of talking morning and night, when we are both awake. It’s always hard to hang up the phone, or Skype.

The decision to do another deployment back-to-back was one of the hardest decisions I’ve had to make. And, honestly, this deployment is much harder than the first. I miss Scott so much. I wish he was here with me.

But I also know that good things will come of this. The Lord has always been on our side, leading us, guiding us, helping us choose the path that will bring the most growth, the most rewarding experiences, and the greatest blessings.

What do you think? Are we crazy? Do you have any advice to help me get through the next year? Please leave a comment.


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