About Sara Ann Comte
Quick overview: Sara Ann Comte is an author, yogi, wife, mom, aspiring homesteader, Christian, and life adventurer.
Tag line: Live. Create. Adventure.
Mission: To inspire and help others live life with curiosity and joy, and bravely and boldly embrace new experiences as life leads to unexpected journeys.

About Sara Ann Comte
Hi, I'm Sara Ann Comte--author, yogi, and so much more. This site and the creations found here are my venture for sharing my knowledge, my learnings, my thoughts, my creative works, and my own journey in hopes to inspire others to embrace life's many and sometimes hard and crazy, but wonderful, adventures.
I grew up in a small town (not so small now) in Central Utah. I have amazing memories of using my imagination to create worlds and play in my home and all around my neighborhood. I have incredible parents who encouraged me to be all that I can. I enjoyed wonderful opportunities that have helped me become the person I am today.
But I also have had hardship, frustrations, questions, unexpected experiences, heartache, long periods of waiting, and many other obstacles and twists and turns that seemed, especially at the time, to impede my life's journey. I've made some crazy decisions, leapt into unknown waters, experienced failures, and stumbled through anxious meadows. And guess what.... I've come out on the other side. And what a journey! What stories to tell! What amazing places those things have led to!
My Why
My brand and website have changed so much in the last decade and more since I first ventured to share online. My purpose has grown. My thoughts have evolved. My interests have shifted. And I'm embracing it and loving it.
This new iteration is something I have wanted to do for a long time but have been unsure how to make it happen. I have questioned my ability to form a cohesive brand with all these interests and things I want to share with you. After a lot of thought and wonderful council from my husband, I finally realized that what I really want to share is life.
Life is crazy. Life is unknown. But it presents some adventurous and fascinating opportunities when we let it.
Join me as I share my mistakes, crazy ideas, life stories, successes, learnings, and more. I hope that through my love for yoga, food, faith, writing, home, and other things I may share that you find inspiration to learn, grow, leap, be curious, create, and embrace life's adventure.
Random Facts
I Love Spider-Man!
I watched the 90s cartoon in high school and took my MORP date to see the Toby McGuire first movie instead of going to the dance. I was beyond excited with the more recent release of the Spider-Man: No Way Home that brought all three big-screen Spider-Man actors to one movie.
I'm an Aspiring Homesteader
A few years ago my husband and I bought a property in central Missouri that we plan to turn into a little homestead with animals and gardens and an orchard. Follow my blog to join our experiences.
Baking Is My Jam
Cakes, cookies, pies…. yum! I love baking and creating something my tastebuds will dance to. And the experience is so much better when I can share it with someone.
I'm a Christian
I love God and Jesus and I am so thankful for the blessings They give me daily. I am also a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-Day Saints. I love reading both the Bible and the Book of Mormon. Much of the spiritual content you see in my courses and on my blog are rooted in my faith and learning about other spiritual philosophies that further enhance my understanding of my church's doctrine.
Peter Pan Is My Favorite Story
I've loved the story since I first watched Hook with Robin Williams. And I've been obsessed with it since. I will watch or read anything that claims to be a retelling. Who knows... Maybe I'll write my own version one day.
My Family Is Everything
I’ve been married to my best friend for 12 years. We have a beautiful daughter and a silly puppy. And, we enjoy life on our little piece of land.