With KreatNou, Scott and I talked a lot about failure—that failure is okay, in fact, it’s good. When we fail, we should not quit, but instead recognize our potential for growth. We should take failure as a steppingstone to become better and better and better.
All the greats have failed at some point. They weren’t amazing right out of the gait. They had to work at it. As Thomas Edison put it: “I haven’t failed, I have just found 10,000 ways that won’t work.”
But, when you do fail, sometimes it’s hard to see the potential or the road to success. It’s easy to give up. And I did. I gave up on this message of creativity, that we are meant to create, that creating is part of our divine nature.

Trial and Error
I knew I wanted to continue blogging and creating content, but a blog about what? As mentioned in previous posts, this has been my dilemma for years. What to blog about? What is my message? Writing? No. I want to talk about more than writing. Food? I do love food, but that’s not it. Beauty? Maybe. Self-love? That feels closer.
Over the last few months, I have been experimenting, trying to find my niche, my messaging. The goal of SaraAnnComte.com has always been to promote myself as a writer/author, but I have felt there is more to me, my brand, than just writing.
I am all about self-love. I have struggled with confidence for years. I was a shy, quiet girl all through school, including college, because of it. I struggled with thinking I was pretty or recognizing my talents. Over the years I’ve embraced me more, and found more love for me, my interests, and my looks. Maybe this could be my message.
So I tried to blog making
self-love my main message. I even started doing some affiliate marketing. But it felt pushed, not natural. There was no flow. And I needed flow. I wanted my messaging to be authentic and real. Although I want to promote self-love, something was still missing.

Stepping Back
Having Berkley allowed me to step back. My recovery was hard because I dealt with lost strength and an injured pelvis that I had all through pregnancy. I was also dealing with a lot of anxiety about our financial situation and being a new mom.
Before this series, I hadn’t blogged for months. I wanted to. I felt I needed to. But nothing felt authentic. And I was still having issues “niching down.”
Instead of blogging and forcing myself into a roll I was unsure about, I allowed myself to breathe and contemplate. I thought a lot about what I really want to do with my career, with my brand. I thought about who I am and what I really want to offer the world.
Somewhere in all the thinking came the thought of KreatNou and the message that I loved sharing. I thought about the podcast and the opportunity Scott and I had to talk to so many creatives.
In the midst of these thoughts, Scott said to me, “I think you’re happiest when you’re creating.” And he was right. I am happiest when I’m creating. Not just writing, but baking, and coloring, and refinishing furniture, and decorating my home, and styling my clothes and my hair and my makeup. I love creating. I don’t believe I need to embrace just one creative passion. I believe I can embrace anything that truly makes me happy.
Why can’t creativity be my message? If I truly believe that failure leads to the opportunity for growth, why not take my failures from KreatNou and turn them into something better?

Live. Grow. Play. Create.
I can’t remember where it really came from, this phrase: “Live. Grow. Play. Create.” I do know it came out of wanting to share all the creative things that make me happy, that help me love myself, that help me embrace me and my potential. It came from the desire to help others do the same.
Live: Life is full of creative moments—small and big.
Grow: Growth is a natural part of creativity, but it’s also essential to seek out opportunities for growth.
Play: When we allow ourselves to play, we allow ourselves freedom and space to just be.
Create: We are divine beings with a great potential for creation. It’s part of us. Embrace it.
Thank you for coming with me on this long journey explaining this phrase I am loving and embracing. Never have I felt so right on my blog. Never have I felt so good sharing a message through the content I create. I hope you’ll continue to journey with me as I develop this messaging and have fun creating.