Sep 23, 2020
Do you love the rain? I love a good warm rain. Not the super cold, freeze-your-fingers-off kind of rain. But the kind of rain you can run in, and splash in, and play in.
The Makings of an Original Poem
When Scott and I were first married, I lived in a hotel in California while he finished up his second phase of military training. I spent a lot of days in the hotel by myself as I was working remotely and didn’t have anywhere else to go.
One evening, when Scott was working/training on a night shift, I sat by the window and watched the gray clouds roll in. As I observed the sky change and the light begin to fade, this poem came to me: Rain, Will You Come–an original poem by me.
Rain, Will You Come?
Rain will you come?
With your colors blue and gray?
Will you bring looks of foreboding?
Or hope in the distance?
Rain, will you come?
Rain, will you stay?
Will you sprinkle the air,
The leaves,
The grass,
The heads and feet
Of all the people
Passing under the sky?
Will you wet the earth with kisses?
Will you salute with taps against the windows?
Will you patter a dance in the streets?
Rain, will you come?
And escape the dark, heavy clouds?
Will you stay?
And wash away the stains
And grime of the earth?
Or rain, will you go?
Go away?
With only a whisper
Of what you could bring?
Without saying Hello?
Without even a wink?