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Embrace the Things You Love

Aug 6, 2020

Note to self: Being creative isn’t always about the act of creating. It’s surrounding yourself with things that you love, with things that inspire you, with things that remind you it’s okay to be you and enjoy the things you do. It’s about embracing your true self.

Yes, this is an actual note to myself.


I have been having some interesting realizations about myself lately. The one I want to bring up here: I like what I like and that’s okay. What I like inspires me. It makes me feel beauty, peace, happiness, joy, etc.

I am 36-years-old and I have been afraid to like certain things for two reasons:

  1. Everyone likes that thing and I don’t want to look like I’m just following the crowd

  2. No one likes that thing for blah, blah reason so maybe they’re right

I think these thoughts stem back to my high school days. They kinda contradict each other a bit, don’t they? They don’t make sense for someone my age, I know. But it’s the way I’ve functioned. And really, I’m sure I’m not the only one with underlying issues in regard to forming opinions.

That’s why I’m embracing that note to self and writing this blog post.

It’s Okay to Like Stuff

It seems dumb to me to have to tell myself this after 36 years, but as I’ve tried to embrace this thought, I’ve found more happiness in my surroundings. I find more happiness in letting myself be me. I also find myself more open to creativity.

The things you like make you you. They make you uniquely you. And you are beautiful. When you accept that, you open yourself to new and more possibilities.

Things I Like

Super hero stories. I own every Disney-made, live-action Marvel movie. I have watched some of them multiple times. After Avengers: Endgame came out, I watched every movie beginning with the first IronMan and enjoyed every moment of it. My favorite of all time, though, is Spider-Man. I’ve been in love with this superhero since the 90s. I’ve watched every Spider-Man movie and enjoyed, gone crazy over, every single one.

Anything fantasy related. I love unicorns and mermaids and fairies and sorcerers and magical beasts. I’m not so obsessed that I study and know everything about them. But I read a lot of fantasy books and love art that incorporates magic.

These pillows on my couch, so much! Every time I look at them I know I made a great purchasing decision. It creates the vibe I want in my living space.

Silly, imaginative, simple, cheesy things, like these books. They make me smile, laugh, giggle.

Soft blankets because they are so cozy and warm.

Warmth. I hate–HATE–the cold. Really. I try to pretend I like it by embracing the clothes that combat cold weather, but I’d rather enjoy the hot sun on my skin.


Music that makes me feel something.

Cute kids’ toys. (I’ll always be a kid.)

Finished projects.

I could go on.

Surround Yourself with Things You Love

This may be easier said than done. Maybe.

There’s a reason why creative people care about their space. There’s a reason why they are drawn to certain places to work. There’s a reason they surround themselves with certain things and people. They surround themselves with what inspires them so they can keep creating.

When you surround yourself with things you love, you embrace yourself. And when you embrace yourself, you open yourself to new possibilities. You open yourself to inspiration. You open yourself to creativity.

Embrace the things you love.


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