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5 Book Recommendations You Should read immediately

Book recommendations that you need to read now. 😊

I admit it, I love to read. I’m sure you’ve figured that out by now since I’m an author. And what author do you know who hates to read? Not many, I assume.

Because I like books so much, I thought I’d share my favorites with you. These books don’t fit into a neat category, ’cause I read so many different things. But their writing and storytelling are beautiful.

Below, check out my 5 book recommendations that you should read immediately.

The Elephant Thief by Jane Kerr

The Elephant Thief by Jane Kerr

The Elephant Thief by Jane Kerr

Thank you to my mother-in-law who always knows the best books to send us. This is definitely a must read!

The Elephant Thief is about a street thief and an elephant who take you on a journey from Edinburgh, Scotland; to Manchester, England. The boy and the elephant, both full of scars, develop a beautiful relationship, and the boy comes to own a new identity, very different from his street life.

I love this book as the writing is so beautiful. The author is wonderfully talented and knows how to weave a story that clearly follows the boy’s point of view, including how he comes to own his new identity.

Chaos Walking by Patrick Ness

Chaos Walking, Book 1 by Patrick Ness

Chaos Walking: The Knife of Never Letting Go by Patrick Ness

Have you seen the movie? The book, like most, is way better than the movie!

Chaos Walking follows Todd Hewitt, a boy who believes all females are dead, killed by the alien race of his planet. Like all males in the book, Todd’s thoughts are not solely his own, which means he can’t keep a secret. Or can he?

After meeting a girl who crash lands on his planet, Todd runs from his village and discovers a very different world than he knew existed. Chaos Walking a beautiful story about growing up and embracing bravery. This book is incredible, 100x better than the movie. And there are two more books in the series that I still need to read.

The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines

The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines

The Magnolia Story by Chip and Joanna Gaines

I loved every bit of The Magnolia Story because it made me feel empowered and inspired.

Chip and Joanna Gaines write about some of the details of trials they went through as they were establishing their business and TV fame. Joanna didn’t go to school to be a designer, and Chip went to school for something completely different as well. But instead of thinking they couldn’t do this or that because they didn’t have the “training,” they embrace the adventure, dug in, and figured it out along the way.

Have you seen Fixer Upper? Then you know about the Gaines’s adventures. But there is something incredible about reading their words. If you’re looking for inspiration to embrace and go for whatever it is, this is a book you need to read right now.

The Siren by Keirra Cass

The Siren by Kiera Cass

The Siren by Keirra Cass

Sometimes I get in the mood for a simple romance with some fantasy elements. This book did not disappoint.

The Siren is a story about, you guessed it, a siren who doesn’t want to be a siren anymore. She is plagued by the deaths she has caused in order to fead the Ocean, and longs to have a relationship, to fall in love, and age.

This story makes the Ocean a character that is both loving and fierce, full of hunger and unforgiving. Kahlen works to hide her thoughts from the ocean to protect herself. But it’s hard to hide that her heart is not in serving the Ocean anymore.

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielson

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The False Prince by Jennifer A. Nielsen

The False Prince is one of my all-time favorite books. I’ve read it a few times, and each time I can’t put it down.

Sage is one of four kidnapped boys who are forced train to become the long-lost prince. It’s a ruse by their captor to fool the kingdom into thinking their thought-to-be-dead prince has finally come back to rule. With the entire royal family dead from a recent poisoning, the boy’s captor seeks to rule through his kidnapped prince.

The boys compete for the honor to be prince. But at what cost? Once the captor chooses a prince, what happens to the other boys?

There’s some mystery and fun twists in this book. And, the fun doesn’t end here. The False Prince is part of a five-part series that you can’t put down.

Book recommendations Bonus: Brita On Fire, Book 1

Bonus book recommendations: Brita On Fire by Sara Ann Comte

Brita On Fire by Sara Ann Comte

As a book recommendations bonus, I can’t forget to make a plug for my book, Brita on Fire. This is short novella about a girl with fire powers. But it’s not the superhero book you might expect. Through this story, Brita encounters heartache, betrayal, and fear as she discovers what her power can do. Check it out. 😊


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