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A Symbol to Show Your Love

Jun 16, 2021

As some, maybe many, of you know, Scott and I have been away from each other for two years. Well, he’s been back now for almost seven months. What?! And it’s been an amazing seven months. We celebrated Thanksgiving and Christmas together–we missed two of those. We bought a house in Mid-Missouri. We went on the crazy adventure of starting and failing a business. We got pregnant!!!!

Through the last seven months, one thing has been constant: Our love for each other. And it has grown so much deeper.

They say that distance makes the heart grow fonder. That’s true. I missed Scott so much, and I was so happy when he returned. But when he got back, we had a lot of readjusting to do. We’d been away from each other for two years, and we’d gotten used to doing certain things on our own. We had to learn to be a married couple again.

Because of this, I feel that an opportunity to represent a certain brand, came at just the right time.

Love Bracelets

Have you heard of them? I hadn’t until they reached out. And the minute I saw what they were offering, I knew I had to jump at the opportunity.

Disclaimer: This post is not sponsored by Love Bracelets, but I am a brand ambassador for the company. I’m very picky about the companies I choose to work with as I, like many of you most likely, get approached by companies all the time. I chose this company because I love the quality of their product and what they stand for.

Love Bracelets are handmade matching bead bracelets, each named after a city in the Amalfi Coast in Italy. The beads are heavy, not weighty, and beautiful so you know they are amazing quality. Plus, the brand is all about raising awareness to end domestic violence.

Scott and I Wear Our Bracelets Every Day

It’s true. Scott wears his bracelet all the time. He actually wears it more than I do. (Sometimes I forget it or I take it off when I’m typing because it gets in the way. I don’t know how to wear bracelets maybe.)

I asked him why he wears it, and he answered, “I wear it because it reminds me of you. And I love thinking about you.” 😍 What?! My heart melted.

We chose the Tramonti bracelets because of the more neutral color we can wear with anything. Scott wears the black with one white bead, and I wear the white with one black bead. I love the way these bracelets match!

How Can You Get Your Love Bracelet?

You’re in luck because I have a special code for you that gets you a whole 35% off, plus free shipping! That’s a huge deal as most companies give brand ambassadors no more than 10% off for their referrals.

Go to, and use my code saraanncomte at checkout. 

If you do get a love bracelet, be sure to tag me on Instagram at @SaraAnnComte. I’d love to see what you picked out.


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